Announcing the Lilith Healing Retreat, Oct. 10-13, 2024

Prerequisite: At least some of Loving Lilith: An End to Shame Healing Course.
As Loving Lilith can bring up issues to heal and therefore can be a longer process, finishing the course is not necessary. Exposure to the teachings and, at least, an attempt to work through it, is.

A 4-day healing retreat for a small group to work through Lilith issues of all kinds in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. Open to all gender identities and sexual orientations.

My approach to Lilith work has nothing to do with the perception that she is–and, therefore, we are–demonic. This is an archetype within the human psyche, and my life-affirming approach will help you clear the scars and residues from thousands of years of imbalanced living. You will learn to embrace yourself-as-Lilith and heal the wild within.

I will teach you to reclaim yourself, your right to feel, your power to heal.

Using your astrology chart, channeling your spirit guides and Djehuty, and doing energy work with Metatron, I will create a space of compassion and healing for coming back into balance from all sorts of suppression, shame, and violence related to Lilith.

My role will be as a facilitator, and I’ve been doing this work one-on-one with clients for years. In a way, Archangel Metatron is “sponsoring” this event and all it includes. As Sariel, he is the source of my Lilith channeling that began in 2008.

Impeccable energetic boundaries and grounding is where we will begin … and whatever needs to unfold for your healing and resolution will.

Early October: Informal group call for introductions and boundaries discussion (date/time TBD).
October 9: Attendees arrive in St. Louis.
October 10-13: 9 AM to 5 PM group time, including breaks & lunch.
October 14: Attendees depart.
About a week after the event: Informal group call for follow-up.
Optional add-on: A series of 3 coaching calls to process further through individual issues.

Fee: $2100; $1950 if paid in full by July 1. Nonrefundable but transferable.
Deposit: $400. Use Square here. Nonrefundable but transferable.


  • 4-day Lilith Healing Retreat
  • Housing (I will rent a house with enough room for all)
  • 20-min. Lilith minireading before we meet
  • 1 group prep call and 1 group follow up call

Payment in full is due by September 25.

Optional add-on 3 coaching calls to follow the Intensive:

Registration is open to those who have purchased Loving Lilith: An End to Shame home-study course.