What it Takes to Resolve the Past

On a regular basis I work with clients seeking to resolve their pasts. They bring up an issue that has followed them around their entire lives and ask what they need to do to move beyond it.

First and foremost, what’s needed is a shift in understanding. The person’s view of why any given difficult or challenging experience has happened needs to change. I often am working with people to show them how to and support them in rewriting their histories. From the soul’s perspective all experiences serve our learning journeys as Divine beings trying to figure out what it means (and costs) to be human in various ways.

But what is most helpful is when a person is open to experiencing a paradigm shift. Working with me once can provide insights into why your experience is a creation of your soul but work with me over time provides numerous tools and transmissions from Spirit Guides and Ascended Master Djehuty that will, over time, upgrade your consciousness level in general. When you see manifest reality from a new vantage point, you can begin to make peace with it.

But the real point of this post is that the consciousness level that created a difficult situation cannot resolve that situation. We need to move beyond that level in order to make real progress.

To resolve any situation from the past means to alter our relationship with the facts and feelings associated with it. Because we tie feelings to those facts from the past, we carry forward the past into and make from it the present. How many times have you heard or read that you need to be more present? That you need to let go of the past? And how many times have you encountered genuinely effective means of doing that?

On Saturday, September 29th I will facilitate a Consciousness Upgrade Clinic to help you get to your next level of consciousness. It’s a big deal because it will open the door for you to see more of your life and history from the bird’s-eye view from which your Spirit Guides and soul see it, enabling you to rewrite history in order to be free of it.

The invitation of the consciousness evolution associated with 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar that we’ve heard so much about is to radically reinvent our idea of ourselves. This clinic will help you do that by becoming more present to your nature as a Divine being while choosing to create more wholeness in your life and leaving more of the past in the past.

I’ve posted a video explaining the whats and whys of this opportunity including the significance of the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus and square Pluto that day. For the Full Moons I usually run a one-hour Full Moon Grounding and Clearing call with Ascended Master Djehuty but this Full Moon is special. The 2.5-hour special event will have you spending much more time with Djehuty than is usually available and with the specific intention to upgrade your consciousness, something we have done with individual clients many times but not done before with a group.

I’ve had a number of upgrades of my own. I think of them as “software upgrades” and nothing is the same after I have one. My view of the world and experience of energy – both in the world around me and in my emotional states carried forward from the past – is altered for the better.

Yet mine are usually unexpected. Often they require sleeping way more than normal or losing sleep while adjusting, and often I have no idea what is happening until they are done and I’ve spent days or weeks trying to figure out what happened and what I’m supposed to be doing. For this event we’re scheduling the opportunity and letting you know precisely what to expect – a way of doing it I have not experienced personally since beginning this process 7 years ago that will benefit you tremendously by putting you more in the driver’s seat of your life.

Read the details of the event in the flier and contact me to register for this amazing event. I am thrilled and proud to offer you the opportunity to receive help and support from Djehuty for your own upgrade process and thrilled also that yours will be expected and that you will have all the info you need to integrate it smoothly.

You can’t alter your life without a scenery change or paradigm shift – this event is your chance to give yourself a leg up on leaving the past where it is and getting more present.

9/29/12 Consciousness Upgrade Clinic Video and Flier
