6/3 Pre-Full Moon Grounding & Releasing Call with Djehuty

Join me 6/3 at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern as I channel Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth and St. Germain) for you to ground and clear energy blocks. A day before the Sagittarius Full Moon, the call will put you in the right space for releasing old ideas and beliefs at the Full Moon on 6/4.

With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, we are asked to see in the full light beliefs that we carry. All humans carry beliefs and they shape the reality that we allow ourselves to see. The Sun in Gemini will ask us to truly see what is in front of us while the Moon in Sagittarius will reveal our emotional attachment to our beliefs and the tinted lenses through which we all see ourselves and the world around us. Releasing beliefs that are outdated, formed from fear, that we adopted from others, and that no longer work for us is critical to getting present in order to be conscious operators of our lives, something we all need to evolve now.

After a grounding meditation Djehuty will lead us through affirmations and do energy work on all callers to remove energy blocks in various chakras. Callers will receive the recording after the call and can use it many times as a guide to releasing beliefs that do not serve them. I encourage you to join us for this opportunity – profound changes in our lives result when we get deeply grounded and remove blocks! Djehuty is a wonderful, compassionate teacher and companion to have in this process.

Details here. Registration open until 10 am Pacific on the day of the call.

From callers to last month’s Scorpio Full Moon call:
I wanted to say thank you for last night’s channeling session. Last night was like medicine for me, lifting away lifetimes of angst about the tides of life and its changes.

I’m feeling much calmer, hopeful & open to receive whatever the universe has in store for me as well as beginning to feel capable of creating a wonderful new future. Thank you so much for making this opportunity available. Upon seeing the description, I knew it was exactly what the doctor ordered!

Just wanted to check in and thank you for last night. I really had a pretty incredible experience.

Tom, that was incredibly powerful and felt like it dealt exactly with the issues I am having with stress and staying in my body. It all makes perfect sense to me now. It was an amazing experience and want to definitely be a part of the next one.

PRETTY GREAT. Please don’t hesitate to do more.